Money : Only carry as much money as you need for the day. Leave extra money, documents and tickets in the hotel safe. While traveling keep your money and important documents in separate places.
Know the rules of the road : In many countries there are on-the-spot fines for traffic offences - exceptions are not made for foreigners.
Avoid any involvement with drugs : Never carry anything through customs for other people or leave your baggage unattended. Some countries have the death penalty.
Respect local laws and customs : For instance, in the UAE it is a punishable offence to drink in public; offenders may be put in prison.
Eat and drink carefully : Find out if the local tap water is safe to drink. If not, drink bottled water and avoid having ice in your drinks. To avoid contaminated food, only have food that has been freshly cooked.
Keep in touch with home : Especially for long trips. If they know you are safe they won't need to panic if there's an emergency in the country you are visiting.
Be security conscious : Avoid unlit streets at night and only carry the minimum amount of cash when sightseeing and avoid wearing expensive jewellery
Protect yourself from the sun : If you are traveling to any country where the sun is hot then take care - always use sun lotions with UVA and UVB protection and avoid the sun between midday and 3pm.
Protect yourself from mosquitoes : To reduce the chances of being bitten while abroad use insect repellents, wear long sleeves and long trousers and sleep under a mosquito net. STAR VIRGO